Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings As the elections approach… ..our political struggle: eradicate extreme poverty!
Interviews, News, Writings Father Joseph Wresinski, 14 February 1988 – 14 February 2024 Being a servant is not as easy as you might think...
Book Extracts, News, Writings November 20th, World Children’s Day "Every gesture of love fosters hope"
News, Speeches, Writings The origins of 17 October Marking a breakthrough in the thinking of human rights
News, Public lectures, Writings Now is the time for knowledge sharing "All citizens hold some stake in common knowledge"
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings Work That Procures Honour "Every worker is a comrade, whose efforts feed into the efforts and well-being of everyone".
Book Extracts, News, Public lectures, Writings Unattainable Justice "The deprivation of a person’s rights places them in a world where they are unable to cope, where he is unable to connect with others (...)
News, Speeches, Writings Gaining access to humanity’s riches ..what human beings have successfully built, imagined, invented and experienced!
News, Public lectures, Writings New ideas that truly transform our ways of thinking and acting "Only they who live in darkness really know the significance of light"
Interviews, News, Writings My mother taught us to be proud Father Joseph Wresinski, 12 February 1917 – 14 February 1988
Messages, News, Writings When Love and Justice Become One "A way lies open. Let us help others to take it so that in the future poverty will be no more than a bad memory".
Book Extracts, News, Writings Changing the rules of he game The change required is to fully recognise the dignity of the poor
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings For people who love justice Bringing the most disadvantaged back into the mainstream of the human society.
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings Have a holiday: a right! "All families, rich and poor, will have the chance to leave everyday life behind for a few weeks in order to recover their humanity"
News, Public lectures, Writings Partners in democracy The poorest families yearn to become part of our shared history, as partners in democracy.
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings May 1st , Labour Day "What sets individuals free is not work, but the dignity it confers" - Joseph Wresinski
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings April 7, World Health Day Creating a new health culture starting with the most disadvantaged
News, Public lectures, Writings Restoring their history to the poorest… ...and overturning our excluding behaviour.
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings A profound love for humanity "To be torn apart by their hurt, wounded by their traumas, bloodied by their beatings,..."
Editorials and prefaces, News, Writings Time is pressing "It is time to understand that there is no celebration that is not a celebration for all" - Joseph Wresinski
News, Public lectures, Writings 20 November, World Children’s Day "It is high time we declared a state of emergency against extreme poverty, a state of emergency for children".
Book Extracts, News, Writings Everything came from … "Everything came from a shared life, never from a theory" - Joseph Wresinski
News, Public lectures, Writings Take Justice To Heart "The first injustice, which should be the first to end, is injustice in the heart" - Joseph Wresinski.