Exposed to arbitrary intervention and humiliation
During the early 1960s, my companions and I had the impression of being so isolated that I wanted to verify (…) Read more
Founded on an act of faith
The ATD Fourth World movement was founded on an act of faith. Its creators believe that human beings find within (…) Read more
A Europe Commited to Freeing People from Poverty
People write and speak of more than 10 million people trapped in extreme poverty in Europe.
Behind this figure you and (…) Read more
Destruir a miséria é o nosso combate político
O nosso combate político, para além das nossas ideologias e da classe social a que pertencemos, centra-se, sobretudo, na destruição (…) Read more
Our political struggle: eradicate extreme poverty
Our ideologies and class loyalties aside, our political struggle is about the eradication of extreme poverty and social exclusion. That’s (…) Read more
O nosso combate nasceu de uma recusa e de um desafio
Quando, no mês de julho de 1956, viemos ao encontro das famílias que viviam num acampamento precário em Noisy le (…) Read more
Mapambano yetu yamezaliwa kutokana na kukataa na changamoto.
Mnamo Julai 1956, tulipojiunga na familia za kambi la Noisy le Grand, tulijiapiza kwamba wakati wa ukosefu wa haki ulikuwa (…) Read more
Küzdelmünk egy elutasításból és egy kihívásból született
Amikor 1956 júliusában csatlakoztunk a családokhoz a Noisy le Grand táborban, megesküdtünk, hogy az igazságtalanság ideje lejárt, és megkezdődött az (…) Read more
Teraka avy tamin’ny fandavana iray sy ny fanamby iray ny adintsika.
Rehefa niaraka tamin’ireo fianakaviana tao amin’ny Tobin’i Noisy le Grand izahay tamin’ny volana Jolay 1956, dia nianiana fa foana hatreo (…) Read more
On being a servant
When being ordained a priest, I was asked: “Which passage from the Gospels most inspires your life? I immediately replied: (…) Read more