Epistemological Critique and Knowledge – June 12, 2017
Round Table – Rethinking the Concept of Knowledge
Xavier Godinot’s presentation will discuss ATD’s current international participatory research project on Multi-Dimensional Indicators of Poverty, a topic of great interest today given the need to assess UN Sustainable Development Goals. The project, conducted in partnership with Robert Walker and Oxford University, is taking place in seven countries around the world. It will use the ATD Merging of Knowledge research method to establish dialogue on an equal footing among people with an experience of poverty, academics, and practitioners in order to broaden the definition of poverty beyond simple monetary measures. The Multi-Dimensional Indicators of Poverty research is rooted in ATD Fourth World’s long history of systematically learning effective responses to extreme poverty from people who experience it every day. Xavier Godinot’s presentation will discuss development of the research, some challenges encountered thus far, and expectations for individual and institutional impact.